
October 7, 2011

First, I want to say thanks to everyone here on WordPress who has been with me since I first started this crazy blog endeavor.

Second, I would like to tell you that I am moving.

Well, I am not moving, but my blog is.

For about a year, I have been double-posting things here on WordPress and on my Blogger site. It’s all been the same content, just on two different platforms.

And that has started to get a little more complicated than I want to manage. So, as of today, I will no longer be posting here on WordPress.

All the same fun (albeit sort of sporadic) content will still be posted on Alarm Clock Wars at Blogger, but you won’t be able to follow it through WordPress subscriptions anymore.

You can come find me at, and either follow me through Google Friend Connect, or subscribe to email updates from that site.

Look for this subscription box on the right side:

subscribe by email

Simply type your email address into the box, fill in the captcha code in the window that opens, and – ta da – you’ll get my posts through email again, just through a different service.

Sorry for the confusion, and I hope no one has trouble with this. If you do have an issue, just email me at and I’ll help you get it figured out.

Thanks for sticking with me, and I’m looking forward to seeing everyone at Alarm Clock Wars on Blogger!

Taste of Indiana Farms

October 6, 2011

One of the fun things I got to do at the Indiana State Fair in August was to run the Farm Bureau Taste of Indiana Farms booth for the southwest part of Indiana.

Each part of the state (“districts,” in Farm Bureau talk) had a commodity to feature. We had pork. Yum!volunteers sm

I worked with Dewig’s Meats so we had some great barbecued pulled pork to give away to everyone who came through the three-day event. We had some great volunteers from our district, including my husband. Hubby Doc had a blast talking to almost 5000 people over three days!!john sm

There was free popcorn in the front of the building, and lots more free food in the back of the building.popcorn sm

Everybody had a blast, even the kids!strollers in line sm

This is not just a Farm Bureau event! The Indiana Watermelon queen was there, giving out watermelon slices.watermelon queen sm

And the Indiana Honey Queen was there, passing out honey samples.honey queen sm

(We tried to get them to have a Queen showdown, to see who was the “Top Queen,” but they wouldn’t go for it. Such well-behaved young ladies!)

Did I mention that Indiana Pork gave us temporary pig tattoos to give out? Everybody wanted a pig tattoo, even me! (I may have put on more than one…)pig tattoo sm

Yes, you could say I got into the spirit of things and collected some flair over the couple of days…flair sm

Mark your calendars – we’ve already got the dates scheduled for next year! Come visit us in the Farm Bureau building at the Indiana State Fair on August 14-16, 2012. I’ll be organizing fruit for next year, so come on by and learn what kind of fruit Indiana grows. I bet you’ll be surprised! There will be free popcorn, free food, and more flair than you can shake a stick at! What else is there?

Oh, and the whole rest of the fair. You’ll probably want to see that also.